my first REAL blog post



Welcome to Deep Dive in Finance, My name is Sam and here I will be sharing everything about investing, saving money, wealth building, making money online, and blogging. Let me tell you exactly how I came up with my first blog post.

When we talk about learning, things are always simple and easy. It’s we who make it complicated. In the same way, finance is also easy, you need to be a little careful and you can earn a high passive income through it.

Why Blogging?

I am a businessman and when we talk about business, we talk about risk.

Blogging makes you self-dependent and self-employed. This means you step out of the race of unemployed if you are unemployed.

Blogging takes time to start giving you earnings, fortunately, Govt also want to help their citizens. Here you can see some of the unemployment benefits the U.S Govt offers.

I read various articles explaining blogging, how it is done and how much potential it has. There I came to know that earning a passive income is really possible.

Does it mean blogging is all for money?

No, not at all. Instead, if I say it is impossible then it won’t be wrong. Because building a blog from scrap is not a cakewalk.

It requires a lot of hard work and consistency. We need to build trust. Money can never become the primary factor that drives anyone to work hard.

Yes, I agree when I read about bloggers’ success, I get my inspiration and faith in the process.

In simple words, to diversify the risk involved in the business, and that too with a beautiful opportunity of sharing with someone my experiences and knowledge that I learned about money in years was my primary motive to start my blog.

I like sharing my experiences and stories about how I did something or learned anything. Money is a side product. If you got stuck on money, you can’t make a successful blog.

Blogging has one more benefit of stress. I mean to say when you write something from your heart, then all your stress vanishes within a span of time.

My first blog post

Have you ever started something new and felt clueless about starting?

Yes, that’s what I went through. I had no idea how to make a post, decide on a post title, writing a post, nothing.

I am not an expert who writes fantastic posts, and who knows everything. Like you I am just a normal person who has decided to make a trustworthy blog and make it successful.

Sorry, I apologize for talking extensively about myself. Trust me, this will motivate you too to work hard and step towards your financial success.

Did I mention, that my site still does not get any traffic from anywhere, till this point when I am writing this blog?

Yes, I just took a leap of faith and trusted the process that one day this blog post will reach you. And you will also get motivated. The day this post reaches you, just decide and promise yourself to take action because if a person like me (who has zero experience and expertise) can do this then you are most probably more talented than me.

Related: Read some success quotes of successful people.

Why did I called this my first blog post?

I know I have created several posts before this but there is a reason to call this my first blog post, i.e. This is the first blog post I am writing without any research directly from my heart.

I wanted to try to write a blog completely on my own in my own words, so I would learn various details about writing and that will make you feel more connected with me.

Do you need any course to start blogging?

Of course not. I am here to help you completely with blogging from the scratch because there is nothing for me to hide any secrets from you.

I will share with you the exact details of what I am experimenting with and following with my blog.

My belief is, why grow myself when we can grow together?

How much time does it take to write a complete blog post like this?

Well this is not a humongous post but let me tell you that till this point we have been completed approximately 750 words and it took me almost 3-4 hours easily.

I deleted the maximum of the content I wrote in the beginning because when I read it again that doesn’t make any sense. So I decided to remove it all and start from the very beginning.

Can you do affiliate marketing in the beginning?

You should focus more on content than just slapping any affiliate link that comes your way.

Affiliate marketing can be practiced in the beginning but currently, I am not using any affiliate program till the time when I am writing this blog. (I may add some programs in the future if I believe that they would help you).

I am just focusing on creating a quality blog post right now.

Do’s to build a successful blog

I have researched a lot, uncountable no. of blog success stories, videos, $0 to $1,000,000 stories.

Many people reviews several courses and of course they are helpful and help you reach your goal early but that doesn’t mean it is necessary to enroll for paid courses.

I didn’t mean to say you need to waste your time on searching for valuable non-paid information. Information is available non-paid also but searching for a gem in a dump yard is extremally difficult. It will result in a lot of wastage of time.

So, what you need to do?

After reading a lot of blogs and extensive research, I concluded that you need to first write some informative blogs filled with facts and helpful content.

Consistency is the key. Consistently upload new content or update outdated content. This will help you rank higher on google.

Become an expert in your niche. Always complete your research before you comment on anything. Be as truthful as you can.

Write real reviews. The product you own and personally use, or any product your loved ones owns and they shared their experiences with you.

Remember you start a blog to help people not to just misuse people’s trust.

Must read: 3 mistakes you need to avoid to become successful.

Don’ts to build a successful blog

Never suggest anything you wouldn’t have suggested to your friends and family.

Never speak lies in your blog. Speak the truth whether it’s bitter or sweet.

Look I am just working on building a blog. I am summarizing right now what several bloggers said in their blogs. At this point of time I cant be counted as a successful blogger. Because I not driving huge traffic.

So, I can’t suggest to you how to get traffic but I can guide you on how to make your blog effective and fast.

What do you need to avoid as a beginner?

Don’t jump on too many topics at once. Focus on one topic and Write helpful content.

Once you have completed one post you started, only then start a new topic.

What makes unsuccessful, successful?

Unsuccessful person start things with tons of motivation, also work hard to achieve the goal but do not complete the task. This is the fine line between successful and unsuccessful.

Always finish what you have started.

Coming back to our discussion.

You need to avoid aiming for very big goals right in the beginning. Always start small, take baby steps, learn from mistakes, and eventually you will definitely succeed.

If you liked this content…….. please feel free to share it with your friends and family. Motivate them to start an extra side income so they can also aim to become financially free.

Sharing is caring 🙂
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