5 basic rules of SUCCESS


There are 5 fundamental rules to achieve any success in life.

1. Positive thinking

2. Positive Attitude

3. Self-confidence

4.Work Planning

5. Hard Working

These five things are the basic criteria for reaching the pinnacle of success. To get success, accept these five things as the basic mantra.

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Positive Thinking

Healthy and positive thinking is the key to living a Healthy body, happy mind, and sweet life. This mantra has not failed to date. Positive thinking is the secret to my peace, contentment, and fulfillment.

Positive thinking is the biggest religion of life and negative thinking is the biggest heresy of life. Whoever adopts positive thinking and a better attitude, remains a follower of truth and peace in any case.

 There are two aspects. Positive thinking is effective in maintaining the peace and calmness of your conscience even in an adverse environment. A better perspective works well for finding the good in both the good and bad in the world. Self-belief is a surefire tool to strengthen one’s willpower and determination power on the threshold of life. Action-plan is the foundation of any success and on the strength of hard work, both luck and vision can be put on the same platform.

The stronger the foundation of a house, the stronger and more beautiful a building can be built on that foundation. There is a famous tower in the world that is 190 feet high. Its total weight is eleven thousand tons; astonishingly, sixty percent of this building is in the ground and forty percent is outside.

Some other topics I have covered.

How to start blogging- For beginners.

Make the bass of life a flute: Positive Attitude

If positive thinking is an ocean, then a positive attitude is a wave in the ocean. Who adopted positive thinking and acquired the art of better perspective. A positive attitude is a heaven and a unique worship in life. Only a positive attitude can give positive and meaningful results in life. Whether life is a bamboo or a flute, everything depends on the attitude towards life. Bamboo is used by people only during cremation while life is not for cremation. Make life a flute and get better results.

If you decide once that you will be positive towards life in all conditions, then this decision of yours will fill you with life. After all, everything depends on the decision. If I decide to be happy in any situation, then I will be happy. I accept that someone can abuse us, but if my decision is for happiness, then I will not pay attention to abuse.

Someone spats on an S. P.  in anger. The head constable took out his revolver on seeing this. He shot at the spitter, before that S. P. stopped him and motioned to put the revolver back in the purse. SP took out a handkerchief and wiped the spit and threw the handkerchief away. People were surprised to see this. S. P. said, ‘Why should a revolver be taken out for what can be done with a handkerchief?’

Source of Happiness and Peace: Positive Attitude for success

 A positive attitude always gives us auspicious results. I will be calm and happy – only because of this decision you will be able to behave like this. A good vision is like a magic wand, it is like that which you keep using in your practical life and keep seeing its miracles.

A positive attitude is the foundation of success. Due to not being able to fix the art of attitude, families get rifts, societies are divided, religions and creeds collide, and countries get divided.

The truth is the same for the whole world, God is the same for all the places, the ways to reach it can be different.

Today there are more battles of reflection and fewer battles of truth. If there is water in five bowls, then five reflections of the sun will be formed, but due to five reflections, the sun can never be divided into five forms.

Conflict is caused in the family and society only because of bad attitudes. Small thinking is the cause of small perspective. It is the result of an inferior and petty vision. Brothers who fight among themselves are the result of their bad thinking and bad attitude.

Make a habit of seeing half a glass full

There is a well-known example, glass is half full of water and half the glass is empty. One person will say ‘half the glass is empty’, another will say ‘half the glass is full’.

The glass remains only halfway. One says, ‘Do you drink milk? Had given half a glass of milk. He insulted us by giving us half a glass of milk. The other says, ‘Oh wow! What a good man he is who gave us milk. However, I was not used to drinking milk. He has done well which has already reduced the milk a little, otherwise, he would have to bear the trouble of reducing the milk.’

Emphasizing on a half-empty glass is negativity, while looking at a half-full glass is the positivity of life.

Big vision’s magic

If the mother-in-law scolds the daughter-in-law for some reason, then the daughter-in-law should not think that the mother-in-law gave a dot on my mistake, but this mistake is the vision, the same creation. Who would have scolded him if it happened to him? Rather, she should think that the mother-in-law is the elder woman of the house, even if she scolded what happened! If they won’t, who else will?

This positive attitude will be successful in keeping the state of your mind and inner heart in good condition. Having a poor attitude will lead to head-footing as soon as the husband enters the house and after six months the blood of one father and the same blood of five brothers will be distributed in front of the father. One will be somewhere and the other will be somewhere else.

I was passing near an under-construction building and just started talking to the people there. I saw a man digging the soil and asked him, ‘Say, brother, what are you doing?’ He said, ‘What to do, sir, digging the soil for arranging lentils and bread.’ He said, ‘Sir, the house is being built, I am building its boundary wall.’ Taking two steps forward asked another, ‘Brother, what is happening here?’ ‘Building a beautiful building.’ He replied.

Can you understand that there are three types of people working outside the same house?

Whose attitude and level, the same result in his life. The one who thinks himself to be run away, he will be able to fill his stomach only by working as a laborer for the rest of his life.

The one who thinks that he is decorating bricks and limes, he will remain an artisan.

Whose eyes have this sublime feeling that he is building a beautiful building. Surely, he must have been an engineer, an architect, or a performer of beautiful fantasies.

Story of a rabbit and a lion: Self Confidence for success

Let me tell you a story of a rabbit who defeated a lion, a lion who is 1000 times more powerful than the rabbit, can be defeated if you have self-belief and  self confidence on yourself.

So this story might be illustrative but gives us very important learning. Once upon a time, there lived a cruel lion who was terribly powerful and want to kill all animals in the jungle. As all animals needed harmony between them, they agreed upon an agreement that every day one animal will be sent to the lion’s den, and in return, lion will not hunt for any other animal that day.

Days passed; things worked as agreed. Now one day chance of the rabbit came to be sent to the lion’s den, he was terrified and wanted to escape at any cost. On the way he saw a deep well and an idea hit his mind.

He reached the lion’s den late and when the lion asked why he is late! Rabbit answered, “There is another lion in the way who stopped me and said he is the king of the jungle and said you are fake. He asked to bring you to him to prove your strength”. Angry lion without much thought follow the rabbit and saw inside the well, he saw his reflection, resembled another lion, and jumped inside the well.

This was the end of the lion. Everybody praised the intelligence of the rabbit and rewarded him for his victory. From there on whole jungle lived with peace and harmony.

Moral of story

No matter how strong the opponent looks, mental strength can defeat the physical strength if you believe in yourself.

Exactly, The rabbit is you, and lion is your obstacles between your success.

Self-confidence gives you the strength to fight and the courage to take a risk with a leap of faith. You should think 100 times before you decide to act, Collect facts,  but once you decide, then go for it no matter how hard it is, do whatever it takes. Don’t fear the unseen, if any single person in this whole world could do it then you are more capable and advanced to do it in a much better and more efficient way.

Now, how will get that self-confidence?

If I had to answer in one word it would be “Learning” as in depth as you can in your field. Read books, articles, autobiographies, listen podcasts, meet people, create deadline, create workplan and dive into the process. More the knowledge you have, more the confidence you will get.

Work planning

Someone once said, “Be prepared for the worst, Pray for the best, and Expect the unexpected”. Now is the showtime of the knowledge you gathered in the earlier stage.

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People who plan the whole path, faces less errors than expected.

I agree everything cannot be planned as the future is unpredictable. But if you plan everything in your knowledge and if you gathered enough deep knowledge in your topic, I assure you that you would not face such surprises and be free from last moment troubles.

Work planning plays most important role in the success of your venture. There are several steps you must know to plan properly and correctly. I am attaching a diagram to introduce to you some steps in brief.

Working hard is working smart

There are always two types of people in the same field, One who work less and is more successful whereas the other work more but is less successful.

When we talk about hard work, it is always complicated how do you interpret.

What does hard work really mean?

Hard work can be understood as the physical, mental, and emotional discipline toward achieving a goal. Finding better ways and ideas to achieve the goal.

Discipline plays a very important role while achieving any goal.

We have already discussed in our previous blog how to achieve any goal. You can learn the methods to achieve goals with approved steps.

Initially, any skill can be learned and subsequently mastered with time and effort. Furthermore, according to scientific research, mastering a skill requires consistent and frequent practice for approximately 4000 hours.


We learned 5 basic qualities to correctly utilize our time and move towards our goal. Let’s summarize them real quick.

1. Positive thinking – A study suggest that almost 6000 thoughts comes in a human mind in one day. We cannot control our thoughts but what we can control is how we think.

2. Positive Attitude – Everyone on this planet is going through one or other problems in such a way that they can’t even help it. In such a situation, one should wisely keep a positive attitude toward life. Trust me, no good deed goes empty. The more good deeds you give, the better comes to you.

3. Self-confidence – Whatever you do in life, if you don’t have confidence in yourself, no one is going to believe you.

4. Work Planning – Planning is equally important as execution. Plan before you put effort and admit that no plan is perfect and you will need to reconcile the plan time to time.

5. Hard Working – After all this is the most imp step because anything you do needs hard work. Believe me, there are no shortcuts to success.

Success varies for everyone. One could be called successful after losing 10kg weight, and another could be successful by clearing an exam. So success is not equal for everyone. But one simple definition I can tell you is that achieving the goal you set for yourself is a success.

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